Native Woods Preservation Ltd. 

Native Woods Preservation Ltd is a company registered in Scotland, created for the purpose of preserving and regenerating Scottish native woodlands and their diverse habitats.

To further this objective the organisation has purchased Loch Wood on the Blackwood Estate. We consider this property ideal for our purpose since Loch Wood contains ancient woodland and was under threat by commercial development. The wood has previously been utilised for both commercial timber felling and housing development, but is now in the care and custody of Native Woods Preservation Ltd to be protected for the preservation and enjoyment of future generations. The property’s noble history and close links to Scottish aristocracy add to its attractions.

The purchase of Loch Wood has been fully loan-financed and hence the organisation has a primary obligation to repay these debts. However, at the same time we will allocate available proceeds to maintenance and improvement of the woodland.

Our short-term plans comprise clearing several of the old Victorian footpaths and in the medium term we will commission a woodland management company to control the rhododendron growth.

Native Woods Preservation Ltd
George House
36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

The old loch

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